Wednesday 26 June 2024

Making Matariki Kites

 We have been learning about the Matariki stars

We are learning about Ururangi. Miss Simmonds thought that Urururangi was the smallest star (but she was wrong). Hiwaiterangi is the youngest star.

Ururangi is the star connected to the winds. It tells us what the winds will be like for the coming year.

Ururangi is the higest star in the Matariki group.

We made kites to celebrate Urururangi. We gatthered sticks from our playground and we used colourful wool to weave our beautiful kites.



Anaru helped Mia with her kite.

Aotea, Rieko, Thebe, Layla, Anaru, Anna, Akira

Ruby helped Ezekiel 

Anaru helped Evie

Ruby and Ezekiel worked together.

Anaru's beautiful kite. He did it all by himself.


Ryder and Pania

Pania and her beautiful kite

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