Wednesday 26 June 2024

Making Matariki Kites

 We have been learning about the Matariki stars

We are learning about Ururangi. Miss Simmonds thought that Urururangi was the smallest star (but she was wrong). Hiwaiterangi is the youngest star.

Ururangi is the star connected to the winds. It tells us what the winds will be like for the coming year.

Ururangi is the higest star in the Matariki group.

We made kites to celebrate Urururangi. We gatthered sticks from our playground and we used colourful wool to weave our beautiful kites.



Anaru helped Mia with her kite.

Aotea, Rieko, Thebe, Layla, Anaru, Anna, Akira

Ruby helped Ezekiel 

Anaru helped Evie

Ruby and Ezekiel worked together.

Anaru's beautiful kite. He did it all by himself.


Ryder and Pania

Pania and her beautiful kite

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Walk to the beach to check the tide

Today we walked to Paihia beach to check the tide. We are learning about the ocean this year and this Term we are learning about tides. Thank you very much to the parents who came with us (Marcus, Jimmy and Natasha). We would not have been able to do our walk without your help.

The tide was very high today. We made a mark on the boat ramp. Next time we visit we will see if the tide id high or low.

Dance Performance

Today we were very fortunate to have a professional dance group perform for us (The New Zealand Dance Company). They performed "Matariki for Tamariki". It was an inspiring and professional performance, which was a great introduction to our learning about Matariki.

Matariki for Tamariki

Here is some of our writing. . . 

We like the costumes. Beautiful dancing. It was really, really good. By Wolf

Today we saw a dance performance. I like dance. By Kowhai

I liked the dancing. I liked the singing.  By Keirah

I liked the dancers. I liked the dance costumes. By Rieko

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Digital learning

Today with Whaea Rebecca we were learning how to use our I.Pads to record images of different things (light to dark, tecture, colourful).  We worked in groups. We learnt to use our I.Pad camera correctly and we also learnt some new vocabulary.