Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Happy Easter

We hope everyone has had a lovely Easter!

To celebrate Easter in Te Awa we had an Easter egg hunt and made Easter baskets. We were also very lucky and received hot, buttered hot crossed buns from the Rasmey whanau (from their bakery in town). THANK YOU, THEY WERE DELICIOUS!

For our Easter egg hunt we had to find wooden blocks in the playground. The first letter of our name was written on the blocks. When we found a letter that wasn't our own we had to work out who's letter it was. We had a lot of fun. Some students took their letter blocks home for safe keeping :)

Hot Crossed buns, YUM!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for a treasure hunt. Well done tamariki. Yum, I bet those hot cross buns were scrumptious.
