A.J and Amaira
John-William and Tu-Kotahi
Kenzie and Amaira
Here are our Learning Goals:
Numeral Identification
- Count objects to 5, 10, 20 and beyond.
- Read numbers to 5,10,20 and beyond.
- Read words to 5, 10, 20 and beyond.
- Write numbers to 5, 10, 20 and beyond.
- Order numerals, words and objects.
Forward Number Sequence
- Rote count to 10, 20 and beyond
- Say the number which comes after a number to 10, 20 and beyond.
Multiplicative thinking
- Skip count in 2’s to 10, 20 and beyond.
Backward Number Sequence
- Count backwards from 10, 20 and beyond.
- Say the number which comes before a number from 10, 20 and beyond.
Multiplicative thinking
- Skip count in 2’s from 10, 20 and beyond.
Grouping and Place Value
- Instantly recognise number patterns to 5, 10 and beyond.
Great to see your learning in Maths. Did you know everyone in the world uses maths.
ReplyDeleteWhere ever you are in the world and whatever you do there is always Maths all around us. There is Maths in all your food, eating, play and whenever you explore you environment. As you learn through discovery you will discover so many maths skills.