A.J and Amaira
John-William and Tu-Kotahi
Kenzie and Amaira
Here are our Learning Goals:
Numeral Identification
- Count objects to 5, 10, 20 and beyond.
- Read numbers to 5,10,20 and beyond.
- Read words to 5, 10, 20 and beyond.
- Write numbers to 5, 10, 20 and beyond.
- Order numerals, words and objects.
Forward Number Sequence
- Rote count to 10, 20 and beyond
- Say the number which comes after a number to 10, 20 and beyond.
Multiplicative thinking
- Skip count in 2’s to 10, 20 and beyond.
Backward Number Sequence
- Count backwards from 10, 20 and beyond.
- Say the number which comes before a number from 10, 20 and beyond.
Multiplicative thinking
- Skip count in 2’s from 10, 20 and beyond.
Grouping and Place Value
- Instantly recognise number patterns to 5, 10 and beyond.