Thursday, 27 May 2021

Poem work

This week we have been learning the poem "Nanny weaves flax" We did out own weaving with coloured paper. 

R.J, Maia and Lorelle

Reti, Avy and Ethan


Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Science (our school creek)


As part of our learning about where we are and our local environment we are studying our school creek. 

We have started by making a survey of the things we notice about our creek. 

Here are our findings so far.

Date 21st May

How many pieces of rubbish?  20

How many eels? 0

How many ducks? 0

How deep was the water (under the school bridge)? 35mm

What did the water look like? clear

There are a lot of weeds growing by our creek. We will think of a plan to get rid of them.

The water is surprisingly clear. It just looks brown because of the mud at the bottom.

Thank you Mikaire from Te Ngahere class for helping us get a water sample and measure the depth.

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Happy Mother's Day

We hope everyone enjoyed their cards and the fudge on Mother's Day.

My apologies for the fudge. We used a new recipe and it did not look good, but we taste tested it to make sure it tasted ok ๐Ÿ‘

Making our Mother's Day cards.

Eva-Rose and Mason





Avy and Mason

Sonny and Reti

Mixing the fudge mixture (chocolate chips and condensed milk). We had high hopes๐Ÿ˜†