Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Hangout Prizegiving today

 Kia Ora Koutou

Here is the link for today's end of year Prizegiving\.

We hope to see you all at 11am.


Friday, 10 December 2021

Hangout Assembly today

Here is the link to our school assembly today.

Please join us at 2pm. We love seeing our friends and family.


Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Santa postcards

Today we received a very special package of postcards from the North Pole!!!

We were all very excited to hear what Santa has been up to. 

Dyllyn, Revere, Harry, Avy, Michelle (in the background), Grace

                                                     Alessia. Eva-Rose, Fraser, Oliver

Fraser, Mason, Sonny

Friday, 3 December 2021

Our School Christmas tree

 We made decorations for our School Christmas tree. Our decorations are biodegradable.

We hope you like them. Come and look at our tree on the school field (close to the carpark).

Mrs Lindsay and Whaea Becks and Jeremy and some of our senior students made our tree from this wood.

Some of the things we collected to make our decorations.



Oliver, Dyllyn, Sonny, Atawhai, Jhai-Billy, Lily-Rose













Google hangout assembly today

Here is the link to our school assembly today.

Please join us at 2pm.

Assembly Link

Friday, 26 November 2021

Google hangout assembly today

Here is our link for our online assembly today.

We hope you can join us at 2pm today.

Assembly Link

Friday, 19 November 2021

Google hangout assembly today

 Here is the link for our google assembly today.

We hope to see you at 2pm today.

Assembly Link

Monday, 8 November 2021

Learning about feelings

We are learning to recognise feelings. 

We are learning why it's important to know what we are feeling.

Today we learned about happy, sad, cross and surprised.

We watched a very good video about feelings.

The feelings song








Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Holiday Writing

Our goal for our writing is to write an interesting story.

Why? Because it will be more fun for people to read our stories. 

How will we do this?

1. Use interesting words.

2. Say how we felt.

I rode my bike down the hill. I couldn't stop and I crashed! Into a power pole and the handlebars scraped my stomach. It hurt a lot. I cried.

By Revere

By Revere


I rode my bike around the caravan and the cabin. When I stopped I asked my Mum and my Dad to help make two ramps. It was great! I asked my Mum and Dad, but they said "no" because the top of the ramp was too skinny for their bikes.
By Fraser

                                                    By Fraser


When I came down from parachuting I saw a kiwi. I was happy because I saw a kiwi and a baby kiwi.

By Atawhai


                                                 By Atawhai

I had a dream that I was dancing in my garden with my teddy and there was a big hole in the roof and we ran out into my house. It made me feel very happy. I tripped over on rocks, it hurt a lot.

By Eva-Rose


                                               By Eva-Rose

I like playing Minecraft. I like crafting stuff. I love destroying Zombies. I like destroying the whole city and the characters. I like seeing the Zombies. It makes me feel fantastic when I play Minecraft.

By Sonny 


                                                   By Sonny

I was dancing in the rain. It was fun. Me and my brother Archie were dancing in the rain in my garden. I felt happy because I like getting wet.

By Harry


 By Harry

I was riding my bike with my Mum. We were going back home from a ride. I hopped off my bike. I felt good because I wanted to see my Dad and he picked me up after. My Dad bought me some strawberries.

By Dyllyn


By Dyllyn

I was riding my bike when my Daddy was watching me. I was happy.

By Lily-Rose


                                                 By Lily-Rose

School Assembly (Friday 29th October)

Please join us for our School google hangout assembly this Friday.

Here is the LINK

Friday, 15 October 2021

Te Awa class Google hangout

 Kia Ora Koutou

I hope you are all doing well during this latest level 3.

Te Awa class and their friends and whanau are invited to join us on Monday (18th of October) at 11am for a google hangout.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

Please click on the link below to join us on Monday morning.

Take care everyone!

Google hangout