Friday, 25 September 2020

School Cross Country today

Today we had our school cross country at Beldisloe Domain.

I was so proud of all of the Te Awa students who did a great job of running.

Here are some photos.

We were VERY excited about going on the buss.

Michael has wanted to go on the school bus for ages.

Sara-May didn't want to go in Mum's car. She asked her Mum and she had her first ride on the school bus.
Oliver H and Dominique


Jahniqua, Lorelle and Melody

Reti and Khayne


Our boys lining up for their race. Oliver H, Marcus, Nicky and Reti.

Nicky at the finish line.

Michael and Khayne


Maia E, Maia T.H


Maia and Maia

Lorelle with Laura

Grace wore her Tinker Belle dress to watch the races with her Dad.


We loved having juice's after our race. They cooled us down.
Michael, Reti and Nicky

Karceya, Khayne and Dominique

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Learning about Seasons and Months

This week we are learning about Seasons. We are learning how many seasons we have and which months they are in.

By Khayne

We are also making a Spring weather chart. We are recording what the weather is like each day this week. We check the weather at 9am and at 1pm

Monday, 21 September 2020

Spring Gardening

 Today we planted some flowers and a tomato plant.

We looked at the different parts of the plants. What are these called?

Maia E watering our flowers.


Dominique watering our flowers.

Melody with the big watering can.

Our inspiration for our gardening was this book. We are excited about eating tomato's when they grow.

Plant the Tiny Seed by Christie Matheson
Here is another cool gardening book we are reading. 

Friday, 18 September 2020

Google hangout Assembly today

 Ata Marie Koutou

Good Morning Everyone.

Here is the link to our School google assembly today at 2pm.         LINK

We hope to see you there.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Happy First Day of Spring

 Te celebrate the first day of Spring we made daffodils.

We hope you like them.


Oliver H









Maia T.H

Indy H



