Friday, 29 May 2020

Google Assembly Today at 2pm

Hi Everyone

Today we will have another goggle hangout School Assembly at 2 pm. 
Click on the link below at about 1.50 p.m

our assembly hangout.


Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Frog Maths

We have been using frogs, a pond and rocks to learn about adding numbers.
3 frogs in the pond and 2 frogs on the rocks makes 5 altogether.
4 frogs in the pond and 1 frog on the rocks makes 5 altogether.

 10 frogs on the rocks and no frogs in the pond makes 10 altogether.

Duck shooting stories

On Saturday it was the first day of duck shooting for this year. Nova and Mason wrote about it. 
I slept over at my Nana's. My sister went duck shooting. She told me they were going at 4 o'clock in the morning. 
By Nova
I went duck hunting this weekend. I caught some ducks. I shot some ducks and there were loud noises.
By Mason

We have a great picture of a duck on our alphabet card.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Caterpillar update

So finally, this weekend the chrysalis' have become beautiful butterflies. All four have hatched!

Friday, 22 May 2020

Google Hangout Assembly Today

Hi Everyone

Today we will have another goggle hangout School Assembly at 2 pm. 
Click on the link below at about 1.50 p.m

our assembly hangout.



Today as part of our poem study we did some weaving with paper. I was very impressed with how well everyone did. We learnt about the concept of "over one, under one". You can see the concentration on every's face.

 Brody and Oliver H

 Indie M

 Karceya and Nova



 Indie M and Mason

 Oliver H



Friday, 15 May 2020

School assembly today

Hi Everyone

Today we will have another goggle hangout School Assembly at 2 pm. 
Click on the link below at about 1.50 p.m

our assembly hangout.


Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Bubble Maths

This week we are learning to add numbers together.

We did extended family bubble maths.
We drew stick figures for the people in your bubble. Then we drew other family bubbles e.g Nana and Grandad, Aunties/Uncles and cousins.
Then we added the number of people in total. 

Here is Sophie's bubble maths.

Here was my bubble maths example. It wasn't as complicated as Sophie's. Well done Sophie, your maths looks great.


One of our writing ideas this week has been to read the story 

The story is about colours and it uses a lot of interesting words like
treasured  adored discovered  shuffled grumbled squirting smearing trudged stomping  crushed
glowed dazzling  arranging  shimmered considered

Olivia took the ideas from the book and decided to call her story "A day without lego"

Monday, 11 May 2020

Caterpillar update

Hi everyone!
I hope you had a lovely Mother's day.
Here is an update on the caterpillars in my bubble. I now have four green chrysalis's. The caterpillars turned into chrysalis's last Thursday (7th May).  I am going to count how many days it takes until they turn into butterflies.

Sophie's fish story

I wonder how the fish got stuck on the sand Sophie?

Friday, 8 May 2020

Today's School Assembly Link

Hi Everyone

Today we will have a goggle hangout School Assembly at 2 pm. 
Click on the link below at about 1.50 p.m

our assembly hangout.


Sophie's Mother's Day card

I love the flowers on your card Sophie. They are beautiful. Your Teddy looks very cuddly too.
Wishing all of our Te Awa Mother's and Nana's a wonderful day this Sunday.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Sophie's writing

Well done Sophie for using the writing ideas I put on our site for this week. The crayon book is one of my favourites. I'm glad you liked it. Wow! Sophie, your picture is amazing! You used all of the colours.

Good morning Nikki,

This morning Sophie has listened to the crayon story then drawn her own
picture and written about it.

On to the maths game next!

Have a great day.



School Assembly this Friday 8th May 2pm

Hi Everyone

This Friday (8th May) we will have a goggle hangout School Assembly at 2 pm. 
I will add the link for the google hangout on Friday at about 1.30 pm on a blog post. I will also e.mail the link to the families I have e.mail addresses of. 
It's easy to join google hangout meetings (even I can do it!). Just click on the link (when I put it up on Friday) and it will tell you what to do.

Olivia's work

Hi everyone!
I received this lovely e.mail from Olivia's Mum and Dad. Thank you for the kind word Sarah and Marcus. Well done Olivia!!! your work looks fabulous!

Hi Nikki.

Hope you are well. Olivia is missing school like crazy. When asked what she misses most. "My teacher Miss Simmonds".
Shes been super busy drawing, we found a artist on you tube that she can follow along too. Shes also loving her daily walks. We did school road track yesterday and she insisted on making it a race all the way up and back down. 
I have attached a few picks of her work.
Hope you be back at school soon

Take care

Sarah, marcus and Olivia 
Well done Olivia for helping with the cooking. I bet the food in your bubble is DELICIOUS!!!. I am excited about going to your Dad's restaurant when it opens again because the meal I had last time was superb.
 I am excited to read your stories when I see you next. What a great idea to glue pictures in.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Caterpillars and Butterflies

Last week I was very surprised to find Monarch caterpillars in my garden. I thought eggs had finished hatching because the weather was getting cold. I brought the caterpillars inside on their swan plan. I now have four very big caterpillars and one butterfly has hatched. 
Do you have any caterpillars in your garden???

Monday, 4 May 2020


Hi Everyone
Here is the sunshineonline  latest information and support. If you are having trouble at home downloading this resource there is a support e.mail address listed. I hope this helps.

Help with Sunshine Online questions!

Dear Nikki Simmonds,
With remote learning during this lockdown, you may be fielding questions from teachers and parents using the Sunshine Online website. Here is our user guide to help with commonly asked questions.
 If students and families are still having problems, they can email for help.

Computer or laptop Sunshine Online requires Adobe Flash player to be installed and activated. If you have problems with Flash Player, see our guide at To log on, go to and log on in the top right corner. 
i-Pad Go to the app store and download the free app, Sunshine Online. Open the app and log in. If there is no sound, check your sound settings on the iPad and make sure the side switch is set to “Lock Rotation”. 
Android Tablets There is no Android app. You can still read the books if you download “Puffin Academy” from the Playstore. Open the app and search for Sunshine Online, then log on as usual. Note: Activities will not work using “Puffin Academy”. (However, Android tablets do work with Sunshine Classics, so check with your school to see if they have made this available.) 
Can’t log on Check that the user name and password are for Sunshine Online and not Sunshine Classics. Sunshine Classics have individual user names and passwords for each student. If you have one of these, log on at 
Books not loading Check your internet speed at You can download books overnight. Once downloaded, they will stay on the iPad until the next iOS update. After the update, you will need to download them again. 
Download all books There is a download all arrow on each of the levels. We suggest you do this over night. Before starting plug the iPad into a charger and turn off the sleep settings. 
Can’t find a book on the iPad 60 books labelled “NEW” on a computer or laptop are not available on the iPad app. 
Blank page when I go to a Learning Space On computers and laptops: Adobe Flash Player is not installed or activated. See our guide for activating at: iPads: The Sunshine Online app has not been downloaded from the app store. Log in through the app. 
Password Breach Warning This is a new feature in Google Chrome that alerts the user if the username/password they are using has been uncovered in a known data breach from any site across the web. It is recommended that you change the password if this occurs. Contact your school administrator for this. 
Activities not saving If you want to save activities, you will need to log on through our Australian site at www. The password to save activities is “teacher”. 
Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player will no longer be available from 2021. We are currently rebuilding Sunshine Online in HTML5 which will work on all devices. This will be available at the start of 2021. 
Mobile phones Sunshine Online will not work on mobile phones. 
Help Desk If you still require assistance, email us at

Sophie's L work

Good Morning everyone!
Our letter this week is Ll. The ideas for your learning about L are on the Te Awa site.
Here is Sophie's work from this morning. Well done Sophie!

Sophie's been busy with Dad helping this morning,

Some L words and spelling...

Nova's work

Good morning everyone!
Nova has sent me an e.mail with her writing, reading and maths and what she has been up to.
I will find out why sunshine online isn't working at Nova's house. I hope it's working for the rest of you.

Hi Miss Simmonds,

Here is some of the work I've been doing with Mum. 

I've written about 20 stories, these are my favourites.

We have also been learning how to count using counters. I am getting very good at them, but I do find the ones with missing numbers hard (eg 6+_=14). We don't really focus on those ones. 

I have also been choosing 10 words each day to try and spell off the word rumble page. And we have also been doing lots of reading. The sunshine online has expired now so I'm just reading the books in my book bag and Mum reads me some stories we have at home too. 

I miss Te Awa!!
From Nova

 Great maths Nova!

 Wonderful word rumble work!!!

 Nova is doing a lot of reading and is filling in her reading diary. Congratulations on reaching 50 days of reading Nova.