Good morning everyone!
Nova has sent me an e.mail with her writing, reading and maths and what she has been up to.
I will find out why sunshine online isn't working at Nova's house. I hope it's working for the rest of you.
Hi Miss Simmonds,
Here is some of the work I've been doing with Mum.
I've written about 20 stories, these are my favourites.
We have also been learning how to count using counters. I am getting very good at them, but I do find the ones with missing numbers hard (eg 6+_=14). We don't really focus on those ones.
I have also been choosing 10 words each day to try and spell off the word rumble page. And we have also been doing lots of reading. The sunshine online has expired now so I'm just reading the books in my book bag and Mum reads me some stories we have at home too.
I miss Te Awa!!
From Nova
Great maths Nova!
Wonderful word rumble work!!!
Nova is doing a lot of reading and is filling in her reading diary. Congratulations on reaching 50 days of reading Nova.