Thursday, 30 April 2020

Missing you all

Hi everyone. 
I MISS you all. Please remind the adults in your bubble to e.mail me the work you are doing at home. It doesn't have to be what is on our Te Awa site. It could be a picture of you tidying your room, the work you received in your packs or helping with jobs around your house. I would love to see pictures of you all. I am sure you have grown. 
It has been lovely to talk with Hayley, Brody and Nicky and it's been great to talk to the families of Violet, Ollie, Sophie, Indie.M, Nova, Mason, Oliver.H, Fletcher, Indy.H, Sara-May, Khayne, Steven.R, Maia and Marcus
Lots of you are doing really well at using the work I put on our site each week for reading, writing and maths. And a lot of you are really enjoying the work in your home learning pack. 
Remember it's just as important to play and have fun in your safe bubble, as it is to do a bit of school work. 
Take care everyone. 
I will keep in contact with you all, but please call, text or e.mail me whenever you need to. 
Here are some old photos to remind us all how cool the Te Awa kids are!

Lailou and Sara-May planting seads.

Neveah planting seeds.


Nova and Nevaeh 

Indie M and Karceya


Olivia and Maia gardening

Hayley, Lailou and Maia with our sunflowers.

Nevaeh liked our Greedy cat cake.

Olivia, Nova, Indie.M and Maia enjoying cake.

Oliver H

 Mason making our Greedy cat cake.

 Marcus making our Greedy cat cake.

 Oliver H making our Greedy cat cake.

Fletcher making our Greedy cat cake.


Mason in the garden

Indy H liked Miss Simmonds' orange necklace.

 Nicky blowing bubbles.

 Indie.M blowing bubbles.

  Sienna blowing bubbles.

 Hayley blowing bubbles.

  Olivia doing some great maths work.

  Sophie doing some great maths work.

  Steven doing some great maths work.

  Brody doing some great maths work.

                                                   Nicky doing some great maths work.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Growing Pumpkins

Hi everyone.
I've had a little gardening experiment going since I've been in my bubble. On the second week I planted the seeds I got out of a pumpkin I cooked for dinner. To my surprise a pumpkin has started growing from the seeds. It didn't take long at all.

Are there any seeds you have at home which you could plant in your garden??? 
Or the next time you have pumpkin for dinner. Save the seeds and plant them in the garden. Make sure to water them. 

Friday, 24 April 2020

Anzac Art

Good morning everyone!
If we were at school today, we would be making Anzac poppies to remember the New Zealanders who were in the first world war. Anzac day is tomorrow the 25th of April. 
Below is a you tube clip on how to draw an Anzac Poppy. 

How to draw an Anzac poppy for kids.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Sophie's great work

Sophie's Mum has sent me pictures of her great work. Thanks Sophie. It's so lovely to see your happy face. I am so unpressed! 
Sophie's fabulous writing.
I love your beautiful writing. You always draw the most amazing and detailed pictures to explain your writing.

Sophie's Jj work.
Fantastic Jj work Sophie. I was definitely thinking of doing some jelly bean maths when we get back to school.
Sophie's word art.
I love this word art. Did it take you a long time? I was surprised how long it took me to create my word. 

 Miss Simmonds' interesting word.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Message from our Principal

Kia Ora everyone.
Here is the latest information from Jane Lindsay regarding how being in level 3 will look like for our students.

Kia ora koutou
As per my message yesterday a new day has brought some new information although I suspect this is just the beginning. The clear message from the Ministry of Education is: The principles for Level 3 when we get there are stay home, and work and learn from home if you can. 
Primary and intermediate schools are open. If there is a parent or caregiver available to look after children at home and if children have access to distance learning, children and young people are encouraged to continue learning at home. 
The message from the New Zealand Education Institute is:
Publicly, we’ve been really clear to reiterate the Government’s message that children should only be coming to schools or early learning centres if they aren’t able to remain at home. We’ve also been clear that children and people working in education who are at a higher risk must be supported to stay home in their bubble.
Under level three, the vast majority of children will still be learning from home, so we expect that a large number of teachers and support staff in school settings will also be working from home to support them.
So... in the first instance in order to prepare our school and support my staff I need to know which students need to return to school on Wednesday 29th April as you are returning to work. If you could please txt me on 0211 211 887 or email me today at                                                                   I would be very grateful. Please spread the word. For those I do not hear from I will be in touch tomorrow. 
Considerations at the moment for me at school currently include bus transport, staggered starts and finishes, staggered break times and managing health and safety – adhering to public health measures including good hygiene, physical distancing, supporting contact tracing, food in school and cleaning
I have yet to hear from our bus company. There will be no after school care available at Level 3. Dependent on the number of students returning will influence the start and finish times and break times. Students are not likely to be in their usual class with their usual teacher as not all staff will be returning at Level 3. Siblings will be together at school. 
We have made great gains under Level 4 so continuing to keep ourselves safe and well - especially our children and staff is paramount. I am endeavouring to think of everything and do things so everyone is informed and safe. In the meantime distance learning will continue. By Friday I will have a comprehensive plan for Paihia School being open under Covid19 Level 3 - this will be posted on our website by 5pm. 
I look forward to hearing from you. I hope all is safe and well for you and your family.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Morning Karakia and Himene

Morena everyone!
Today is the first Monday of our home bubble learning. I have listed our instructions for karakia, our morning karakia and our favourite himene "Ko te Whaea". It was great to hear Olivia has been starting her learning each day with karakia and himene. 
I miss you all. I hope you find the learning on our class site (reading, writing and maths) enjoyable. Please e.mail me any pictures or comments about what you are doing at home (it doesn't have to be about learning) and I can add it to our blog. 
Take care everyone.

Instructions for karakia
Whakapiri ou ringaringa - Join your hands together

Katia ou kanohi- Close your eyes

Tuohu ō matenga - Bow your head

Kei inoi taātou - Let us pray


Kia hora te marino                                    
Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana          

Hei huarahi mā tātou i te rangi nei            

Aroha atu, aroha mai                                

Tātou i a tātou katoa                                 

May calm/peace be widespread
May the sea glisten like green stone
A pathway for us all this day
Give love, receive love
Let us show respect for each other


Thursday, 16 April 2020

Self Portrait

Today as part of Joseph's home learning he drew a self portrait in google drawings. He followed Whaea Shanna's instructions on the Te Ngahere class site. Then he taught me how to draw one myself. 

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Low tide beach walk

This afternoon Joseph and I decided to see how far we could walk out on Te Haumi beach on a low tide. It was lots of fun. Joseph nearly lost his jandals a couple of times and we both got a bit muddy.

 Someone had mad a very detailed sand castle/fort.

 The empty sells at the end of the beach looked really interesting.

 I think these birds are the South Island Pied Oyster Catchers.

 Joseph losing his jandals.

An interesting stone sculpture at Te Haumi beach.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Lock down walks

Hi everyone!
I hope you are all staying safe at home and are having fun with your families. I miss you all a lot. 
I've been doing lots of walking with Joseph. We walk from Te Haumi around Sullivan's beach to town. There have been a couple of times when we didn't check the tide. We had to do lots of rock climbing and got our feet wet. 
On one walk I took pictures of all of the beautiful hibiscus flowers I saw. Which flower do you like best?
Te Haumi beach

 Trying to take a selfie with an old fashioned camera.

This is one of my favourite hibiscus flowers. It is called "hibiscus mutabilis". It changes colour from white to pink to red (as you can see in the picture below). 
Here is a link about hibiscus mutabilis

We say a grasshopper on the rocks. Very unusual!