I MISS you all. Please remind the adults in your bubble to e.mail me the work you are doing at home. It doesn't have to be what is on our Te Awa site. It could be a picture of you tidying your room, the work you received in your packs or helping with jobs around your house. I would love to see pictures of you all. I am sure you have grown.
It has been lovely to talk with Hayley, Brody and Nicky and it's been great to talk to the families of Violet, Ollie, Sophie, Indie.M, Nova, Mason, Oliver.H, Fletcher, Indy.H, Sara-May, Khayne, Steven.R, Maia and Marcus.
Lots of you are doing really well at using the work I put on our site each week for reading, writing and maths. And a lot of you are really enjoying the work in your home learning pack.
Remember it's just as important to play and have fun in your safe bubble, as it is to do a bit of school work.
Take care everyone.
I will keep in contact with you all, but please call, text or e.mail me whenever you need to.
Here are some old photos to remind us all how cool the Te Awa kids are!
Lailou and Sara-May planting seads.
Neveah planting seeds.
Nova and Nevaeh
Indie M and Karceya
Olivia and Maia gardening
Hayley, Lailou and Maia with our sunflowers.
Nevaeh liked our Greedy cat cake.
Olivia, Nova, Indie.M and Maia enjoying cake.
Oliver H
Mason making our Greedy cat cake.
Marcus making our Greedy cat cake.
Oliver H making our Greedy cat cake.
Fletcher making our Greedy cat cake.
Mason in the garden
Indy H liked Miss Simmonds' orange necklace.
Nicky blowing bubbles.
Indie.M blowing bubbles.
Sienna blowing bubbles.
Hayley blowing bubbles.
Olivia doing some great maths work.
Sophie doing some great maths work.
Steven doing some great maths work.
Brody doing some great maths work.