Friday, 28 February 2020

Maths (problem solving)

WE have started problem solving in Te Awa. This week the problem for blue group was how to display the insects that had been found in a garden. It was a great way to start our problem solving because we have just been learning about insects and butterflies.

 Brody and Fletcher

Steven, Sophie and Olivia

 We sorted, counted and wrote numbers

 We added labels

 Nicky and Fletcher


Monday, 24 February 2020

A butterfly in our classroom

In the weekend we had a butterfly hatch in our classroom. We put it in the garden.

Can the butterfly fly?
By Karceya

I saw a butterfly in our classroom.
By Ollie T

I went to see the butterfly. It hatched in our classroom. Miss Simmonds let it go in the garden.
By Hayley

I saw a butterfly and it was cool.
By Indie M

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Greedy Cat Cake

On Friday we made a "Greedy Cat Cake" in Te Awa.

We got the idea from an illustration in a Greedy Cat book (The new cat). We tried to make our cake look like the one in the book.



 Karceya measuring the flour.

 Steven measuring the cocoa powder.

Indy H stirring the ingredients.

 Indie M measuring the sugar.

 Nova measuring the sugar.

 Mason measuring the baking soda.

 Marcus stirring the mixture.

 Oliver H measuring the water.

 Fletcher pouring the water.

 Nevaeh measuring the vanilla.

 Sienna mixing the ingredients.

 Nicky and Fletcher.

 Nicky mixing the ingredients.

 Fletcher decorating the cake with raspberries.



 Olivia, Nova, Indie M and Maia

Oliver H

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Reading in Te Awa

Te Awa has started with their daily reading programme REALLY well !!!

 Every day we re-read the books in our book bag at the start of our reading programme.

Our new students are already doing a great job of looking after their books and reading diaries and book bags.

 Nova doing some fabulous reading in class.

 Our reading chart tells us what we are learning and doing at reading time.

 Our reading diaries tell our whanau what books we need to read each day for homework.

 Olivia is doing a great job of pointing to each word as she reads.

 Steven is doing a great job of pointing to each word when he reads.

Sienna and Nevaeh have only been at school for three days and are already doing great reading.