Monday, 29 May 2017

Buddy Reading with Te Moana

Teina/Tuakana Collaboration

Te Awa and Te Moana read collaboratively together as Teina and Tuakana. Each child has to share their learning goal then give feedback to their buddy about their reading. Te Moana enjoy sharing their novels with their buddies. The older students are so impressed by the improvement of reading fluency of their buddies. 

Tama the kitten visits school.

We are learning to write about something we have done.
Miss Simmonds brought her kitten Tama to school because we were learning about the letter K. Here are some of our stories.

Tama the kitten came to school today. I held him. By Ariana

There was a black cat at school today. By Mackenzie

Tama came to visit us today. By Savannah

Tama the kitten came to school today. I am scared because I don't want to touch him. It was funny when he had a sticky note on him.
By Alex

I like kittens. I like Tama. By Aimee

I miss Tama. I love Tama. By Heavenly